Viva La Raza!


The Chicano movement has had a significant influence on society in terms of fashion, beauty, culture, and entertainment. This social and political movement, which emerged primarily in the 1960s and 1970s sought to address the civil rights and social issues facing Mexican Americans and Chicanos in the United States. As a result, it has had a profound impact on various aspects of American Culture. This syllabus is a collection of information intended to educate everyone about the history of Chicanos as well as how their makeup, fashion, and culture is tied into what alot of us see and use today.

Course Goals: The objective of this project is to demonstrate how Chicano culture has had a lot of influence in more things than we know. I want to highlight the trends that we all know and love and how some of those trends had originated from Mexican culture. After following the modules on this syllabus, everyone should be able to: 

  • Discuss the history of Chicanos and the revolution they had in the 1960s and 1970s
  • Effectively identify how Chicano culture has influenced fashion, makeup, and entertainment
  • Identify elements of Mexican makeup and fashion on their own
  • Combat stigma around beauty standards of the Mexican and American society
  • Explore the ideas of culture appropriation or appreciation of the Chicano culture

Module 1: History of Chicanos

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Chicanos, or an American of Mexican origin or descent, in the United States has had an extensive history steeped in valorous resilience, activism, and cultural richness. Rooted in the annexation of Mexican territories during the mid-18th century, Chicanos have played pivotal roles in shaping the social and labor landscape of the southwest. From their early involvement in the labor forces during World War II and the Bracero movement to their prominent participation in the Chicano Movement which became a milestone as they fought for equality and recognition in the country in the 1960s and 1970s. Since then, Chicanos have consistently advocated for civil rights, education, and an end to discriminatory practices, becoming avid figures in the feminist movement and addressing issues specific to their experiences. Today, Chicanos continue to be influential leaders, activists, and contributors to various fields, embodying a narrative that reflects both the struggles and triumphs of a vibrant and resilient community. As we further our education over Chicanos, we will soon see how they broke barriers within the fashion world as well as setting unintentional trends within the beauty community.


Module 2: History of Fashion and Beauty

Elvette Chola” by alice_bag is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Chicana makeup and fashion reflects a vibrant blend of cultural heritage and self-expression. Chicana fashion embraced a distinct style that aimed to reclaim cultural identity and their societal norms. Influential iconic fashion statements that made an impact on their culture are items like the Zoot Suit, which became a symbol of Chicano identity with its exaggerated proportions and bold stylish elements. Chicana makeup through the 60’s-90’s often incorporated vibrant colors, drawing inspiration from traditional Mexican art. Their look emphasized embracing natural beauty while also expressing individuality through makeup and fashion choices. Today, Chicana fashion and makeup continue to be a dynamic fusion of cultural heritage and contemporary expressions, reflecting a celebration of identity and diversity within the Chicano community.


Module 3: How their Fashion and Makeup have evolved today

Foto de stock gratuita sobre ciudad, ciudades, escaleras, moda, modelos,  mujer, mujeres latinas, posando, retrato, tapas de la cosecha

Bia Cardoso

The development of Chicana makeup and fashion from the past to the present demonstrates a blend of continuity and change, despite the fact that times are changing. While some elements have changed or adapted to fit the current trends and influences, others have retained their original essence. Some similarities between now and then include: Keeping their sense of cultural pride by symbolizing a connection to their heritage, Instilling their bold aesthetics such as the timeless winged eyeliner, bold lip colors, and a focus on accentuating eyes and the lips, and lastly painting an emphasis on individuality. However, with time, differences will occur. Some of the differences within contemporary Chicana makeup is as follows: Evolved techniques, such as creating newer ways to apply makeup with the invention of diverse palettes and innovative styles that cater to the current beauty standards, Influences of trends, with the dawn of social media and the digital age we now are exposed to diverse beauty trends leading to more eclectic fusion of styles, and lastly, Representation and Inclusivity. Now, that we are marked with the age of social innovation and inclusivity all around the world like Designers, Influencers, and Creators broadcasting a wider range of body types and skin tones, it now fosters a more inclusive environment to the country that has been so desperately needed.


Module 4: Culture Appropriating or Culture Appreciation?

File:Women's March LA 2019 (46753441972).jpg

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Whether in fashion or in costume, the Chicano style and beauty have occasionally been the target of instances of cultural appropriation, in which parts of the culture have been taken or adopted by people or organizations outside of the community without giving due credit or acknowledgment to their original creators. For instance, some influencers or fashion designers may use chicano elements without citing the historical or cultural context of the designs. One such example is the well-known model and celebrity Hailey Bieber, who took credit for her brown-lined lips without acknowledging where it came from. The problem, as with many cultural exchanges, is that the significance and background of Chicano style and beauty are not properly recognized, understood, or valued.


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